平山 悠 Yu Hirayama
執筆業。主な研究分野は秘教史アーカイヴとインディーズ作家の記録。著書に『ナース・ウィズ・ウーンド評伝』(DU BOOKS)、『vanity records』 (KYOU RECORDS) アルバムレヴューと一部インタビュー英訳。
CDについて書く場所で恐縮だが、チュウソツシスターズのライヴについても触れておきたい。というのも、目の前で動く彼女たちを見れば、冒頭で出したランドマークという形容が真実味を帯びるだろうから。彼女たちが機械のネジを巻くように動き回ると、楽器たちは(目の前で弾かれているにもかかわらず)ひとりでに鳴り出すかのよう。そこでは演目(曲名)が書かれたスケッチブックも、ベースに貼られたTHE BACK HORNのステッカーも己を忘れて歌っている。79年にThe Mekonsがステージ上に置いたボロボロのソファを宇宙船と呼んだ、その瞬間に立ち会えなかったことを悔やむ必要はない。チュウソツシスターズに間に合うとは、そういうことなのだ。
Yu Hirayama, a Japanese journalist and author.
Research and archive about indies culture which sometimes called esoteric. Self-publishing a magazine FEECO or some of CD from his own label "Suikazura". Also the author of a biography of British experimental artist Nurse with Wound, "Nurse With Wound History" (2021 DU BOOKS).
When you happened to pick up and read a diary someone wrote, it may changeyour story. At times, the authors of diary themselves are no exception.Chusotsusisters' first album is not only their bookmarker of story but alsoa landmark to wanderers who keep looking for what they desire to seek. Itmay have been close to you, but you overlooked it, or it was placed therewhere you took a very long time to reach."Finally, I came across it.", Masami Sakaide who produced the recording ofthe album expressed the meeting with Chusotsusisters. I'm sure that thereare not a few listeners who can share his feeling.
Experiencing Chusotsusisters means that you don't need to regret that youmissed Dada or punk. We know that words like "art", "underground" and"punk" are deceitful and losing substance these days, but we use them withimpunity. But at least for them, playing "The Flea Walts" is moresignificant than declaring anti-art or saying, "no future".Although a lot of artists don't doubt that they can easily verbalize theirown feelings, most of them turn their eyes away from inner chaos to gotoward articulate ideas. Being bound by one's self, you can't createthings, such as some of their songs, "No.5", "Hitori No Kaerimichi","Chemical Wash", like echoes that are faded away into the darkness.
Finally, I would like to talk about Chusotsusisters' live performance. Ihave a feeling that you will probably realize why I described them as alandmark when you see them walking around on the stage like winding up atoy. And then it seems like instruments make sounds by themselves eventhough you see Chusotsusisters play them before your eyes. Not only theinstruments, but a sketchbook with the titles of the songs (or programs)and the sticker of "THE BACK HORN" (who is a Japanese rock band) on thebass also forget their roles and sing a song with the girls.You don't have to need to regret you missed the moment in 1979 when aBritish post-punk band, The Mekons called the battered couch they put onstage a spaceship. It is what experiencing Chusotsusisters proves.